We would like to inform you about a new feature we added to the Balance system in My CC. Transferring and collecting your CC material is now even easier!
Combined Balance Transfer and Collection Fee for CC material
As the sender, you Return your CC material to one of our depots and the quantities get added to your Main Balance. For this activity there is a Return Fee.
Starting Friday April 5th, you have the option to do a Partner Transfer. Here you can transfer functional CC material from your Main Balance to the Service Balance of another CC customer, and cover the Collection Fee, thereby the collecting party has no costs to cover.
Remember to inform the CC customer receiving the transfer!
After the transfer the receiving CC customer will see the CC material in their Service Balance. The receiving customer can then request a free Collection from a CC Depot in My CC.
Note: It is important that the receiving party has already selected their preferred collection depot before starting the Balance Transfer with paid collection!